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Extended Camp Care

Members at the Wonder, Discover, or Explore level can access registration on January 27. Family or Premier level members can begin accessing early registration for camp on February 10.

Members: You must be logged into the account associated with your membership to access early registration. Your member registration discount will be applied at check-out.

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Monday, June 2, 2025 7:45AM


Extended Camp Care Bundle


Time: 7:45 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Price: $55 for Amazeum Members, $65 for Non-Members

Extended care is an opportunity for your child to have supervised but unstructured play time participating in activities of their choice. Your child can play outside (weather permitting), participate in games, and other indoor activities. Your child is also encouraged to bring their own non-tech items such as books, sketch pads, or card games. Extended care in the afternoon will also include exploring Amazeum exhibits. An Amazeum summer camp team member will be actively present at all times during extended care. Extended care options are available to most weeklong camps.

Extended care is offered before and after Amazeum camps for families who need to drop off early and/or pick up late. Caregivers have the flexibility to drop off and/or pick up within the window of the times listed above. Amazeum camp sign in and out policies apply to extended care, including authorized adults must provide a photo ID at check out.

Registration and discounted rate for a partial week of extended care is not available.

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